

Sushant Bajaj

Founding Partner

Sushant Bajaj is a practising lawyer in Delhi, enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi and has been doing litigation across the forums. Mr. Bajaj has a wide experience of working as an expert lawyer in criminal, civil, matrimonial and banking disputes. In addition to the above areas, he has also been working on diverse fields such as electricity, telecom and environment laws. He has also successfully conducted trials concerning the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.

Mr. Bajaj is also an expert in resolving commercial disputes. He has successfully completed several Arbitrations (private and some public sector undertakings) and has led the teams working on Insolvency and Bankruptcy issues. Mr. Bajaj regularly appears before the Delhi High Court and Chandigarh High Court in addition to several Tribunals/ forums across the country.

Mr. Bajaj specializes in Banking disputes concerning the Negotiable Instruments Act and the Reserve Bank of India Act. He is also an expert in chit fund laws, betting and gambling laws and has advised several start-ups in providing the regulatory advice and helping them set up the business.

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